At Blue Springs Baptist we will love you, accept you, minister to you. We offer you solid Biblical preaching and teaching that encourages, inspires, instructs, and challenges. At Blue Springs, we don’t want you to be a “visitor,” we invite you to be our “Guest.” Please take a moment to leave us your contact information, questions, concerns, or needs at: https://www.bluespringsbaptist.com/contact-us/ OR, please call (256) 778-1020 and leave us a message. Our Pastor will get back to you as soon as possible.
What to Expect When Attending In-Person
We know what it is like to go to church for the first time. It can be a little awkward and even scary. So, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible on your first visit to Blue Springs Baptist Church. To this end, the following information may prove helpful:
We’re Easy to Find — Click on the Following for Directions:
385 Blue Springs Road, Somerville (Florette), Alabama 35670
GPS Coordinates: 34.402789, -86.692375
From Somerville: At the corner of Hwy. 36 and Hwy. 67, travel south on Hwy. 67 for approximately 3.9 miles (you will pass the A.P. Brewer High School on the right, the Florette stop light, and Solar Gas Station on the left). Continue until you see the Blue Springs sign on the right hand side of the road (across from Huskey Park on the left). Turn right onto Blue Springs Road and go approximately .8 miles. The church will be on the right.
From Ryan Crossroads: Travel north on Hwy. 67 for 5.5 miles. Turn left onto Blue Springs Road (there will be a blue and white sign on the left side of the road). Travel approximately 3/4 mile. The church will be on the left.
Handicapped & Guest parking is available on the Right-hand Side of the Church where there is a handicapped ramp leading into our sanctuary. Additional guest parking is located in the front and to the left of the Sanctuary in front of our Fellowship Hall/Office Entrance.
Directions Around the Church:
Greeters and ushers are available at our Main, Upstairs, Double Door Entrance (which is the Foyer of our Sanctuary) to answer any questions you might have. If you happen to come into any other door, please just ask anyone that you encounter to take you to or point you to the right place. We’re friendly. We won’t bite. Generally, the layout of the church is as follows:
– Upstairs: Sanctuary; Audio/Visual Booth, Restrooms (front & rear of Sanctuary), Senior Adult Classrooms, Choir Room, Storage Rooms, Elevator to Downstairs, & Handicapped Entrance.
– Downstairs (Under the Sanctuary): Children’s and Youth Classrooms, Small Kitchen, Storage Rooms; Restrooms, and Elevator to Upstairs Sanctuary Level.
– Fellowship Hall/Church Offices/Nursery: Church/Sunday School Office, Pastor’s Office, Fellowship Hall, Nursery, Storage Rooms, and Restrooms.
We have People from all Stages & Walks of Life:
Blue Springs has people from all age groups, seasons of life, and socio-economic groups. You will find people just like you.
We are Friendly & Loving:
At Blue Springs, we are one of the most friendly congregations in the North Alabama region. When you come to Blue Springs, you will be warmly greeted by our ushers & greeters, given an informative worship bulletin, shown to an age-appropriate Bible Study/Sunday School Class, and then directed to the Worship Service. If you happen to miss the ushers & greeters, just ask one of our people in the hallway for directions. They’ll make sure you are shown where you need to go. In the worship service, we don’t ask you to stand, speak, or publicly pray. However, we do want to acknowledge your presence, thank you for coming, and see how we may minister to you and/or your family. To accomplish this, you will be given a Guest Card to fill out and place in the offering plate so that we may appropriately respond to you and your needs. (By the way, as our guest, you are not expected to participate in the Offering time, since this is a time for our members to give their Tithes & Offerings. Should you so choose, you may give to the ministries of the church through the offering, but please know that you are not required to do so.) In all that we do, we will do everything we can to make your experience a positive one.
Worship Service:
We have one worship service meeting at 11:00 a.m. Our worship service has a “blended” style of music, mixing the best of historic and traditional hymns along with Christ-focused praise & worship songs. Nursery and children’s church ministries are provided at our morning worship service upon request.
Sunday Schedule
Sunday School/Bible Study – 10:00 AM – Numerous Rooms
Worship – 11:00 AM – Sanctuary – Upstairs
God’s Kid’s Club – 2-4 PM (Selected Sundays – Please See Schedule)
Focus Youth – 5-7 PM (Selected Sundays – Please See Schedule)
Wednesday Schedule
Choir Practice – 5:30 PM – Sanctuary – Upstairs
Prayer & Bible Study – 6:30 PM – Sanctuary – Upstairs
Uplifting Music:
Uplifting music has always been a very important part of Blue Springs Baptist Church. At Blue Springs, we believe that music is one of many ways in which God wants for us to worship and express our devotion and love to Him. Our music includes traditional & doctrinally sound hymns as well as Christ-centered praise and worship songs. Our main instrument is a piano. We are interested in including others instruments (guitars, keyboards, drums, etc.). If you have abilities and interest in these areas, please let us know so we can plug you in. We have a choir, various music ensembles, and individual soloists.
Biblical, Relevant, & Practical Messages:
Blue Springs’ Pastor unapologetically teaches and preaches the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God on a weekly basis. The historic and orthodox Christian doctrines and teachings are shared using a verse-by-verse exposition method of the Bible. The goal of each message is to point people to Jesus using the revelations found in the scriptures. Second, the messages are designed for relevance to the needs and concerns of modern listeners who are living in a fast and ever-changing world. The Pastor seeks to help Christians identify and use the never-changing, time-tested principles of the Bible to their lives. Occasionally, videos, sermon outlines, special music, dramas, and testimonies are used to provide freshness & variety to the messages as well as to encourage better understanding and application of the material to the practical, everyday needs of believers.
Some churches are very regimented & formal while others are loose & casual. At Blue Springs, we are somewhere in the middle. Our worship services have structure but they are not so rigid that we do not allow room for the Holy Spirit to move and change our direction. Additionally, people in the church dress in a wide variety of ways: some like dresses, suits, long-sleeve shirts, and ties, while others wear skirts, slacks, short-sleeve blouses or polos, khakis, and/or jeans. Please just come as you are and dress comfortably, as you like, keeping in mind that as we come together to worship Jesus, we seek to honor Him in all we say and do. This relates to how we dress and worship the Lord.
What to Bring:
If you have a Bible, please bring it with you. If you don’t have one, don’t worry. We have copies available in the each classroom and in the sanctuary. While our pastor uses many versions in developing and presenting his weekly sermons, he primarily uses the New International Version (NIV) 1984 version in his preaching and teaching. If you have another version that you prefer, go ahead and bring that version. At Blue Springs, we do not argue over which version is the “right” version but rather we will challenge you to find a version in which you are comfortable, able to read, understand, & apply to your life.
A Safe & Clean Nursery:
Staffed by screened and seasoned volunteers from our church, our nursery is both safe and clean for your babies and small children. Our loving volunteers will ensure that your babies and young children are watched and cared for and that your children experience the love of Christ each and every week. The nursery is conveniently located behind the Sanctuary in our Fellowship Hall building so that parents and nursery workers can have easy and quick access to one another in case of a special or unforeseen need.